The Grimsby Seafood Village was recognised at the North Lincolnshire Business Awards Evening on Friday evening. Covering twelve categories and sponsored by national and local enterprises the event, which is open to any business that has relocated to or significantly expanded in North East Lincolnshire in the past five years, attracts entries from across the region.
The Grimsby Seafood Village received the prestigous North East Lincolnshire Economic Investment Award which recognises the contribution a business has made to the local economy. Prior to announcing the award, the commitment, vision and achievement of the Directors was summarised by Helen Fospero who commented on the new businesses that have located on the site, creating 39 new jobs and the vision to create a Seafood Skills Training School on the site which will underpin the sustainability of the Seafood Processing Sector in the region. The Grimsby Telegraph covered the event and the team at the Grimsby Seafood Village are delighted that fellow industry supporters -PPS East – received the HBP Systems Innovation Award for their investment in the Seafood Sector.